Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Water play

Ty: "Just go do something to distract mom! Just do anything that keeps her from coming in here."

Trist: "Mom, want to play a game?"

Ty: "Trist, psst. Do you want mom to ground us? Tell her you don't want to play and help me get all this water cleaned up!"

Ty: "We need to get this sparkly clean."

Trist: "Why?"

Ty: "shh!"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Talking to Santa

Trist has been talking to Santa. He will tell me he's going to ask Santa for something and then quietly starts talking to Santa. It's like he is praying. I need to start keeping a list of what he has been asking for so he isn't disappointed when Santa doesn't remember half the things he has been asked to bring.

Last week he even told Ty how to ask Santa for something. "You just have to ask him. Just say it now." Tyson probably did the same thing but never in front of anyone, always in private:)