Friday, May 13, 2011

My Boys are Growing Up Part 2

Last night Ty had a baseball game. He had come to see me on the bench a few times with his usual "I don't feel good. I want to go home". I kept sending him back to the bench. In the 4th inning he was playing right field when a kid hits a pop fly right toward him. Now, rarely do kids at this level hit pop flies. Even more rarely do they hit pop flies that end up making it to the outfield. Ty, and most of his teammates, realize outfield is a place you can usually just chill. Once in a while you will get some action but not often.

The ball is coming right for him. Everyone realizes he is paying absolutely no attention to the game and a few coaches start yelling his name. This does not have the desired effect of Tyson looking for the ball and making an incredible catch. Nope. Just the opposite, he starts looking around at who is calling his name.

Against all odds, the ball comes down and hits him on the head!

The coaches were all right there to take care of him but I also ran over to be sure he was ok. They took him to the dug out and one of the coaches says "you don't need your mom, do you?" Not realizing I was right behind him. Surprisingly, Ty was ok with this and said he was ok. I was not needed. It is so bitter sweet to see your children grow up. I love that they have their own life, friends and interests but I am sad that they don't need me to comfort and take care of them so much anymore.

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